About Relaxy
Relaxy! is a bot made to combat the aggressive monetization of big multi-use bots. Every feature is free and will never be pay-walled. Updates happen daily and suggestions in the support server are added over time. Relaxy! is function over form which means it can be hard to use, however, once mastered it's infinitely flexible. I offer full real time support for free to every server owner that uses Relaxy!. Every server owner with more than 100 users can request anything they want into the bot as long as it will benefit every user of Relaxy!
Relaxy!'s internals feature a real time monitoring system to ensure as little downtime as possible. However, I still self host the bot as it's too expensive to keep on the cloud for now.
Main Features
- Fully customizable ticketing system
- Advanced warning and autobanning system
- Highly advanced censoring capabilities
- Custom forums with detailed access control
- Multiple heartboards with extensive customization options
- Comprehensive moderator log tracking over 30 events
Additional Utilities
- Fully customizable heartboards (commonly known as "starboards")
- Custom boost messages for your server
- Built-in music player for seamless audio streaming
- A variety of utility tools to enhance your server management
- Fully customizable embeds the bot will send for You
- Fully customizable welcome / leave channels
- Self-clearing channels based on a timer
- Image manipulation and file saving
Relaxy's OnlyFans
Support the continued development of Relaxy! on Patreon! Get custom commands, suggestion priority and more!
Click here to view and support ;)Commands Categories
8b, buy, coinflip, customboostmessage, dice, heartboard, inventory, leaderboard, leveling, lovemeter, lvl, minesweeper, poll, preview, profile, rep+, shop, snake, trade, translate, welcomechannel
banner, caption, changemymind, circlepfp, confusedstonks, delete, doesntaffect, drip, execute, gay, hug, kiss, myman, pat, payrespect, perfect, pfp, phub, picture, present, putin, reddit, ross, sakify, slap, spank, stonks, sus, trash, triggered
customizewelcome, devlog, dmout, embed, fetch, files, forum, getemoji, halt, help, invite, levelout, mixemoji, musicoptions, pickrandomreacter, prefix, privatechannel, record, redirect, relaxytime, remindme, reminds, rename, request, roleinfo, save, stats, status, steamgame, thanks, ticketsystem, toolkit, vote, whois, youtubesearch
autoban, autoname, autorole, ban, censor, clearingchannel, disable, disconnect, dmwelcome, exempt, fetchban, free, kick, lockdown, modlog, mute, mutes, purge, purgereactions, reactionpanel, reactionrole, remake, restrain, restrict, setslowmode, unban, unmute, user, warning, warnings
back, bitrate, clear, filter, goto, join, jump, loop, lyrics, pause, play, pskip, queue, remove, repeat, resume, reverse, search, shuffle, skip, song, stop, swap, volume